Dungeon RNG pickl
Wheel entries:
Siege of Boralus 50 5-player Dungeon
The Necrotic Wake 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Mists of Tirna Scithe 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Grim Batol 30 - 35 5-player Dungeon
The Dawnbreaker 80 5-player Dungeon
The Stonevault 73 - 80 5-player Dungeon
Ara-Kara, City of Echoes 77 - 80 5-player Dungeon
City of Threads 80 5-player Dungeon
Priory of the Sacred Flame 75 - 80 5-player Dungeon
Blackrock Depths 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Darkflame Cleft 80 5-player Dungeon
Dawn of the Infinite 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Cinderbrew Meadery 80 5-player Dungeon
Return to Karazhan 45 5-player Dungeon
Tazavesh, the Veiled Market 60 5-player Dungeon
The MOTHERLODE!! 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
The Rookery 71 - 80 5-player Dungeon
Magisters' Terrace 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Zul'Gurub 35 5-player Dungeon
Kings' Rest 50 5-player Dungeon
Cathedral of Eternal Night 45 5-player Dungeon
The Vortex Pinnacle 30 - 35 5-player Dungeon
The Underbog 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Zul'Aman 35 5-player Dungeon
Blackrock Spire 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Mana-Tombs 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Dire Maul 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Stratholme 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Freehold 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Neltharion's Lair 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Valor 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Operation: Mechagon 50 5-player Dungeon
Scholomance 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Vault of the Wardens 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
The Blood Furnace 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Eye of Azshara 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
The Stonecore 30 - 35 5-player Dungeon
Ragefire Chasm 7 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Wailing Caverns 8 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Sethekk Halls 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Shattered Halls 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Lost City of the Tol'vir 30 - 35 5-player Dungeon
Black Rook Hold 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
The Slave Pens 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Deadmines 7 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Tol Dagor 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Plaguefall 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Sunken Temple 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Upper Blackrock Spire 35 - 40 5-player Dungeon
The Steamvault 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Underrot 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Maw of Souls 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Atal'Dazar 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Ruby Life Pools 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Shadow Labyrinth 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Nokhud Offensive 20 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Blackrock Caverns 30 - 35 5-player Dungeon
Old Hillsbrad Foothills 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Blackfathom Deeps 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Botanica 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Hellfire Ramparts 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Court of Stars 45 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Infusion 40 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Shadowfang Keep 8 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Seat of the Triumvirate 45 5-player Dungeon
De Other Side 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Uldaman 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Darkheart Thicket 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Well of Eternity 35 5-player Dungeon
Neltharus 15 - 70 5-player Dungeon
The Arcatraz 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Shrine of the Storm 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Razorfen Downs 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Brackenhide Hollow 30 - 70 5-player Dungeon
End Time 35 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Origination 30 - 35 5-player Dungeon
Spires of Ascension 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
The Azure Vault 35 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Grimrail Depot 35 - 40 5-player Dungeon
Mogu'shan Palace 40 - 70 5-player Dungeon
The Black Morass 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Scarlet Halls 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Atonement 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Temple of the Jade Serpent 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Theater of Pain 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Algeth'ar Academy 45 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Temple of Sethraliss 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
The Culling of Stratholme 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Waycrest Manor 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Violet Hold 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Zul'Farrak 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Arcway 45 5-player Dungeon
Razorfen Kraul 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Hour of Twilight 35 5-player Dungeon
Darkmaul Citadel 15 - 30 1/5-player Dungeon
Maraudon 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Shadowmoon Burial Grounds 10 - 40 5-player Dungeon
Scholomance 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Bloodmaul Slag Mines 10 - 40 5-player Dungeon
Gnomeregan 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Scarlet Monastery 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Everbloom 35 - 40 5-player Dungeon
The Mechanar 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Crusaders' Coliseum: Trial of the Champion 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Uldaman 25 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Scarlet Monastery 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Throne of the Tides 30 - 35 5-player Dungeon
Stormstout Brewery 20 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Auchindoun 20 - 40 5-player Dungeon
Sanguine Depths 50 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Auchenai Crypts 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Stockade 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Skyreach 30 - 40 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Reflection 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Iron Docks 15 - 40 5-player Dungeon
Siege of Niuzao Temple 30 - 70 5-player Dungeon
The Forge of Souls 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Oculus 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Gate of the Setting Sun 40 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Shado-Pan Monastery 25 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Pit of Saron 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Boralus Harbor 5-player Dungeon
Utgarde Pinnacle 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Sacrificial Pits 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
The Nexus 35 5-player Dungeon
The Nexus 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Lightning 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
zzoldPriory of the Sacred Flame 5-player Dungeon
Azjol-Nerub 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Naglfar 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Chapel Gardens 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Gundrak 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
The Violet Hold 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Stormheim 5-player Dungeon
Drak'Tharon Keep 15 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Utgarde Keep 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Hall of the Keepers 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
The Dig 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Halls of Stone 20 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Ulderoth 5-player Dungeon
Forlorn Cloister 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Black Rook Hold 10 - 45 5-player Dungeon
Sword of Dawn 5-player Dungeon
Tempest's Roar 5-player Dungeon
Tol Dagor 10 - 60 5-player Dungeon
Sword of Dawn 5-player Dungeon
Tempest's Roar 5-player Dungeon
Mogu'shan Palace 20 - 35 5-player Dungeon
Azure Vault (delete me) 10 - 70 5-player Dungeon
Temple of the Jade Serpent 50 5-player Dungeon
The Trial of Style 25 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Scarlet Monastery 10 - 30 5-player Dungeon
Pharmacy Technician Appreciation
Year 5 Finer Diner
Game Random Completionist
Daily Standup