Wheel entries:
- Amethyst Cluster
- Bamboo Raft
- Bee Nest
- Bell
- Birch Log
- Blue Glazed Terracotta
- Book and Quill
- Bottle o' Enchanting
- Brewing Stand
- Bucket of Axolotl
- Bucket of Cod
- Bucket of Milk
- Bucket of Pufferfish
- Bucket of Salmon
- Bucket of Tadpole
- Bucket of Tropical Fish
- Cactus
- Cake with Cherries
- Carrot on a Stick
- Carrot
- Carved Pumpkin
- Cherry Log
- Cherry Sapling
- Chiseled Sandstone
- Chorus Flower
- Cooked Bacon
- Crossbow
- Dead Bush
- Deepslate Emerald Ore
- Diamond Chestplate
- Diamond Ore
- Diamond Sword
- Enderman Head
- Fried Egg
- Fried Squid
- Gilded Blackstone
- Glow Squid Head
- Goat Horn
- Golden Apple
- Golden Boots
- Hamburger
- Hay Bale
- Hotdog
- Iron Axe
- Iron Bars
- Iron Ingot
- Lantern
- Lava Bucket
- Lectern
- Light Blue Candle
- Lily Pad
- Magma Block
- Nautilus Shell
- Netherite Apple
- Oak Door
- Orange Tulip
- Pancakes
- Panda Brown Head
- Peony
- Pink Bed
- Pink Petals
- Pizza Slice
- Poisonous Potato
- Powder Snow Bucket
- Prismarine Wall
- Purpur Stairs
- Red Mushroom
- Redstone Ore
- Rotten Flesh
- Sea Turtle Egg
- Sheep Jeb Head
- Shield
- Sniffer Egg
- Snow Golem Head
- Soul Campfire
- Spiderweb
- Spyglass
- Strawberry
- String
- Sunflower
- Target
- Villager Nitwit Head
- Vines
- Warden Head
- Water Bucket
genshin characters
Star Words
Roue doubles moitiƩs 1
Chonks' list