Elbow-Wrist-Hand Exam Skills
Wheel entries:
- AROM+OP (flexion, flexion+add, flexion+abd, extension, ext+add, ext+abd, pro, sup)
- Humeroulnar Distraction
- Humeroulnar Medial/Lateral Glide
- Humeroradial Posterior-Anterior (PA)
- Humeroradial Anterior-Posterior (AP)
- Distraction/Compression
- Maudsley’s test, Cozen’s Test, Mill’s Test
- Biceps Squeeze test, Hook Test
- Valgus stress test
- Milking Maneuver/Modified Milking Maneuver, Moving Valgus stress test14
- Posterolateral rotatory instability test (lateral pivot shift test), Posterolateral rotatory drawer test
- Chair Sign, Push up sign, Tabletop relocation test
- Varus Instability test
- Tinel’s test, Elbow flexion-compression test
- Pronator Compression test, Resisted pronation test
- Wrist and hand AROM+OP: [Proximal/distal radioulnar pronation and supination], [Radiocarpal joint flx./ext, flx/ext+rd/ud, RD, UD, RD+flx/ext, UD+flx/ext], [1st CMC: flexion, extension abduction], MCP-IP: flexion-extension}
- PRUJ: volar and dorsal glide, cephalic and caudal glide
- DRUJ: volar and dorsal glide, cephalic and caudal glide
- Radiocarpal joint: distraction, compression, Volar and Dorsal Glide, radial and ulnar glide
- 1st CMC: compression/decompression, dorsal glide, volar glide, radial and ulnar glide, UCL ligament stress
- MCP and IP: distraction, volar and dorsal glide, radial and ulnar rotation
- Finkelstein, CMC shear test, Scaphoid palpation, clamp sign
- Pianokey test/sign, DRUJ test, ulnar fovea (snuffbox sign), TFCC load test, ice cream scoop test
- Phalen test, tinel sign, carpal compression test
- Elbow flexion test, pressure provocation test, froment sign, hamate palpation
Conversational: A Vet and Pet Journey through Snakes and Ladders
Warrior Cat Prefix wheel!
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