Gambling Simulator, Wheel of Mutations
Wheel entries:
- Heightened Hearing
- Double-muscled
- Blinking Tick
- Force Bubble
- Syphon Vim
- Metamorphosis
- Multiple Arm's
- Light manipulation
- Corrosive gas generation
- Spontatneous Combustion
- Psionic Migranes
- Disintergation
- Mental Mirror
- Adrenaline control
- Quils
- Freezing Internal
- Narcolepsy
- Brittle Bones
- Slime Glands
- Gain Horns
- Spinnerets
- Electromagnetic Pulse
- Flaming Internal
- Amphibious
- Myopic
- Carnivorus
- Temporal Fuge
- Healing magic allergy
- Psychomentry
- Beguiling
- Carapace
- Hooks for Feet
- Precognition
- Teleportation
- Albino
- Evil Twin
- Pyrokinesis
- Eletro Magnetic Impulse
- Stinger
- Space time vortex
- Telepathy
- Quantum Jitters
- Time Dialation
- Night Vision
- Triple-Jointed
- Phasing
- Burrowing claws
- Phostosynthetic Skin
- Sunder Mind
- Socially repugnat
- Dystechnia
- Regeneration
- Amnesia
- Multiple Legs
- Cryokinesis
- Two hearted
- Clarivoyance
- Ego projection
- Gain a Beak
- Sleep Gas gen
- Force wall
- Electrical Generation
- Mass Mind
- Wings
2010s TV
pampered chef customer
The Secretary One O One
CBRE 2024 Prize Wheel