Mayhem Wheel
Wheel entries:
- Double Dragon 2
- Mario Sunshine
- Little Nemo
- Festers Quest
- Legend of Kage
- Rygar
- Sonic
- Robin Hood
- Flying dragon
- Karnov
- Dead by Daylight
- Donkey kong Country3
- Donkey kong Country1
- Castlevania1
- Double Dragon 1
- The Walking Dead
- Doom
- Ducktales
- Madden football
- Hollow Knight
- Castlevania2
- Deltarune
- Joe and Mac
- Contra 3
- Powerangers
- Undertale
- Home Improvement
- Simpsons
- Double Dragon 3
- Battletoads
- Cuphead
- Banjo Kazooie
- Knights of the round
- Boy and his blob
- Castlevania4
- Detroit become human
- Crash bandicoot
- Back to the future
- Donkey kong Country2
- ShadowGate
- Castlevania3
4.3 H.F. Spinner
Base Boss Chooser