Wheel entries:
- Stormterror Dvalin
- Lupus Boreas
- Childe
- AzhdahaAzhdaha
- Dragon Lord Dragon Lord's Crown
- Gilded Scale Image Gilded Scale
- Bloodjade Branch Image Bloodjade Branch
- La Signora
- Raiden Shogan
- Scaramouce boss
- Guardian of Apep's Oasis
- Anemo Hypostasis
- Cryo Hypostasis
- Cryo Regisvine
- Electro Hypostasis
- Geo Hypostasis
- Oceanid
- Primo Geovishap
- Pyro Regisvine
- Ruin Serpent
- Bathysmal Vishap Herd
- Golden Wolflord
- Hydro Hypostasis
- Maguu Kenki
- Perpetual Mechanical Array
- Pyro Hypostasis
- Thunder Manifestation
- Jadeplume Terrorshroom
- Electro Regisvine
- Aeonblight Drake
- Algorithm of Semi-Intransient Matrix of Overseer Network
- Dendro Hypostasis
- Setekh Wenut
- Iniquitous Baptist
- Icewind Suite
- Emperor of Fire and Iron
- Experimental Field Generator
- Millennial Pearl Seahorse
HR Team Europe meeting 31/08-01/09
Netflix Programming
Fit Week