Wheel entries:
- 10 oz of honey
- a gallon of blood
- 2 coins to put on dead people's eyes
- Two halves of a coconut
- Human vocal cords
- A wolf claw
- A sprig of rosemary
- 10 oz fresh cream
- A carolina reaper pepper
- A hummingbird's nest
- 2 castor beans
- 1d20 hawk feathers
- A teaspoon of salt
- A dehydrated deer's eye
- A sweet potato
- Vegetable barley soup (no bowl)
- An origami crane
- Helicopter leaves
- A peach with no pit
- A finger bone from an Aye Aye
- 5 bloody fingernails
- 1 sour patch kid
- A 9mm round
- A lilypad
- 1d4 cherry pits
- Human hair
- A queen ant
- A chicken foot
- A pair of fairy wings
- A handful of grass
- Tree bark
- A freshly shedded deer antler
- A squirrel tail
- 3 four leaf clovers
- A live toad
- A spark plug
- The cap of a hallucinogenic mushroom
- Ball of cotton
- A single ice cube
- Dandelion puffs
- Thorns
- A goldfish
- A wooden spoon
- 13 teeth from unknown origin
- A half pound of ambergris
- One very angry field mouse
- 4 wishbones that have already been wished on
- A beating heart
- The smell of baked bread
- The Fool tarot card
- An almond cookie
- A bisected earthworm
- A bottle of Elixr
- A slug
- a fully cooked, 4 oz filet mignon
- a salamander tail
- Szechuan peppercorns
- A pina colada
- A shot of grain alcohol
- A silk ribbon
- A chrysalis
- A leaf knife
- The exoskeleton of a rhino beetle
- The lower half of lingerie
- A glass lens
- A handful of crushed peanuts
- Mellif
- A crumpled $20 bill
- A sheet of vellum paper
- Squid ink
- Diamond dust
- A lump of coal
- A small wooden toy cart
- A spider's egg sac
- A copy of Lord of the Flies, in Cyrillic
- Toothpaste (no tube)
- Saffron
- A robin egg
- A squirrel with no tail
- A duck's tongue
- A pig snout
- The skull of a toucan
- 2 inch square of wool
- Crude oil
- 1 inch square of skin
- A handful of clay
- Gust of wind
- Unicorn poop
- Charcol made from an Ent
- A straw doll
- The tip of a Tiefling's tail
- The ear of a brownie
- A sea urchin
- Empty saddlebag
- An uncooked turkey legFish lips
- A flash of bright light
- A small bag of sugar
- Snake skin
- An inflated sheep's stomach
- Ladybugs
phân công
Wrap-up unit 1 Events and time Level 0
Wheel Time