life happens
Wheel entries:
- You broke your leg. If you have health insurance, you don’t need to do anything. If you don’t have health insurance, take off 3 beans.
- You just got a 2-bean raise! Decide where it should be spent.
- The real estate market is booming and landlords have raised rents this year. If you are living with relatives, do nothing. If you are sharing an apartment with roommates or live alone, take off 2 beans.
- Your cable bill has increased. If you do not have cable, do nothing. If you have cable, you must move one of your beans to cable from another spot.
- Your car needs new tires. If you do not have a car, do nothing. If you have a car, take off 2 beans.
- Your best friend is getting married and has asked you to be in the wedding party. Move 3 beans to the last category under Gifts from another location.
- Your winter coat has ripped and cannot be repaired. You must replace it. Take off 1 bean.
- Your microwave broke and you need to replace it. Take off 1 bean.
- An air conditioner leak from your upstairs neighbor destroyed your computer. If you have renters insurance, do nothing. If you do not have renters insurance, take off 2 beans.
- The stove in your apartment has broken and the landlord has informed you that it will take one month to replace it. You will need to utilize the middle section in the Food category [3 beans] since you are unable to cook any hot meals at home; make necessary adjustments in your bean allocation.
- Your friends are taking part in a summer share in a beach house for the summer and have asked you to join them. If you decide to do this, you must allocate 3 beans to the last section in the Recreation category. If you decide to pass on this opportunity, do nothing.
- The mattress on your bed got ruined and must be replaced. Take off 1 bean.
IWAM Spinner
Rourou wheel