Lioness Livestream Meaty Question
Wheel entries:
- Inflammation and YOU - How has inflammation affected you and has a meat based way of eating helped?
- What has been your experience with weight loss or weight management?
- Meat-based eaters will commonly talk about how they feel like they are reversing their age, they feel younger. Do you agree?
- Do you ever feel like your way of eating has caused others treat you differently?
- What’s your current favorite meal and how often do you eat it? Do you get bored?
- It's been asked many a time - "Don't you get bored eating so much meat all th time?" What are your thought on this?
- Have you noticed any shifts in your mood after going meat based?
- Have you built up a support system around you? If so how did you do that, and how has it affected you?
Meraki Beauty Lash Set+ Fill Giveaway
St. John "Star Word" Spinner
Life Happens
3rd hour 2023-24