95% & above attendance for 05/09/22 to 10/02/23 & 95% and above attendance for 05/09/22 to 29/03/23
Wheel entries:
- Uphill, Aedan 7G
- Vereecque, Billy 7R
- Villanueva, George 7Y
- Vincent, John 11G
- Vincent, Kerensa 7Y
- Volaisaya, Jacob 8B
- Wallace, Molly 11B
- Waring, Evie 7R
- Warren, Alfie 9B
- Warren, Connor 11R
- Williams, Cody 7G
- Williams, Jessica 7B
- Williams, Liam 8G
- Wills, Savannah 11Y
- Wilson, Sarah 8G
- Wilson, Tom 11G
- Woodhouse, Ella 9B
- Woodhouse, Nia 7B
- Aguirre Leon, Lucca 7R
- Akhurst, Mason 7G
- Allen, Bracken 11G
- Allen, Joel 8R
- Allerton, Oliver 9G
- Andrews, Daniel 9Y
- Andrews, Finley 11B
- Arasteh, Ella 11Y
- Ardern-Wiles, Xander 10R
- Ashcroft, Elizabeth 10B
- Atkinson, Alex 7Y
- Atkinson, Liam 9G
- Baldwin, Harley 10Y
- Batley, Aaron 9B
- Bedford, Emily 11G
- Benney, Daniel 10B
- Benzing, Arthur 11Y
- Bosustow, Katie 7Y
- Bowman, Lily 8Y
- Bradley, Felix 9Y
- Bradley, Lyla 8G
- Bray, Daniella 7Y
- Bray, Jayden 7B
- Bray Rendall, Freya 7Y
- Breame, Liam 7B
- Bristow, James 9Y
- Brock, Jess 8G
- Brunt, Bobby 8B
- Buckingham, Meredith 10G
- Burgoyne, Inca 11R
- Burman, Lizzie 10Y
- Butler, Lily 11B
- Campbell, Finn 10G
- Carpenter, Jem 11B
- Carter, Mailli 10R
- Carter, Tamlyn 7B
- Clarke, Dylan 11G
- Cobley, Jacob 10G
- Cockitt, Austin 8G
- Cockitt, Ethan 11G
- Coniglione, Ocean 7B
- Cook, Eloise 9R
- Cook, Eva 11G
- Cooper, Livi 10B
- Cooper, Sophie 9B
- Cope, Molly 8G
- Crane, Summer 7R
- Cudworth, Lily 7R
- Cullen, Angus 9R
- Cullen, Dougal 7B
- Cunliffe, Florence 7B
- Cunliffe, Jackson 7B
- Curnow, Laila 10G
- Curtis, Luke 8R
- Curtis-Cullen, Loki 10Y
- Dark, Olivia 10G
- Dean, Oliver 8B
- Dearing, Michael 8Y
- Delbridge, Perran 7B
- Dickinson, Amber 10Y
- Duke, Phoebe 9G
- Dunkley, Christopher 11Y
- Ead-Birch, Brendon 11Y
- Eaton-Williams, Jake 8Y
- England, Trinity 11Y
- Entwistle, Theo 8G
- Farrant, David 11B
- Fergus, Scarlett 10R
- Fletcher, Lucas 9Y
- Foster, Arthur 8G
- Foster, Henry 8R
- Freeman, Erin 11R
- Freeman, Lottie 8Y
- Gerrard, Jay 11B
- Gilbert, Erin 10Y
- Gilbert, Mya 8G
- Goodwin, William 10R
- Goy, Esme 11R
- Green, Ben 11B
- Grigson, Finley 7R
- Grose, Ben 8B
- Harman, Thea 11B
- Harriman, Clemmie 9R
- Harry, Bethany 10B
- Harvey, Amelia-Jane 11B
- Hendy, Jayden 10R
- Higgins, Bonnie-Mae 11Y
- Hill, Aston 8B
- Hill, Reece 10B
- Hocking, Carsen 7G
- Hockley, Amber 10Y
- Holliehead, Flynn 10R
- Hooper, Katherine 8G
- Hopkins, Faeren 10B
- Hosking, James 9Y
- Hosking, Josh 9G
- Howard-White, Meg 7B
- Jacobs, Charlie 7B
- Jane, Sophie 9R
- Jewell, Holly 8R
- Jones, Dylan 7R
- Jones-Hull, Kai 8B
- Khalid, Naadiya 9B
- King, Jodie 8G
- Kostrzewski, Ashton 10R
- Lambrick, Ruby 10B
- Lander, Verity 9R
- Lester, Isla 9Y
- Lockey, Kara 8B
- Lundquist, Charlie 9R
- Mabgwe, Caleb 10Y
- Macdonald, Rhys 11B
- Mackenzie-Buller, Finn 8B
- Maddern, Katie 7R
- Marks, Charlie 9G
- Marsden, Richard 11Y
- Martin, Paige 8B
- McCalmont, Grace 7Y
- McClarity, Leo 8R
- McClarity, Max 11R
- Merritt, Eliot 10G
- Meyburgh, Chloe 7Y
- Miller, Isaac 10B
- Mitchell, Henry 10Y
- Mitchell, Jacob 9Y
- Mitchell, Jak 11Y
- Mitchell, Kai 8R
- Mitchell, Oliver 11B
- Monks, Daniel 11G
- Moore, Liam 8G
- Morgans, Grace 10G
- Morgan-Suffell, Elijah 10R
- Morley, Bradlee 8Y
- Moyle, Rowan 8Y
- Murray, Joel 11G
- Nolan, Pearl 9G
- Normanshire, Katrina 11B
- Norton, George 8G
- Ockwell, Shannan 11B
- Osborne, William 10B
- Parker, Arthur 9B
- Parker, Senara 7G
- Parsons, Myles 10R
- Patterson, Thomas-James 9G
- Perrin-Weston, Dylan 11R
- Pickett, Oscar 9R
- Popperwell, Charlie 8R
- Potter, Ashlee 9Y
- Rainbow, Tom 8R
- Reynolds, Toby 8G
- Richard, Jayden 10B
- Richards, Elowen 8G
- Richards, Trystan 9G
- Richardson, Amelia 11G
- Richardson, Ruby 11R
- Ridley, Reuben 10B
- Robinson, Ellie 7G
- Roux, Nicolas 10G
- Rowe, Arthyen 8G
- Rudd, Charlie 10B
- Sach, Ella 9G
- Scobie, Summer 10Y
- Scothern-Jones, Izzy 9B
- Searle-Eddy, Tilly 8Y
- Spriggs, Cairan 10G
- Spriggs, Rayann 8G
- Stedman, Adam 9B
- Stevens-Woodmansey, Zoe 10Y
- Tanswell, Thomas 10R
- Taylor, Keelan 10G
- Thirlaway-Price, Maisie 8Y
- Thomas, Harry 8G
- Thornhill, Olivia 7R
- Thurston, Megan 7G
- Thurston, Robbie 9R
- Treloar, Oli 9B
- Tresidder, Ellie 9B
- Tresidder, Lilly 9R
- Trewin, Jamie 10R
- Tripconey, Joshua 7B
- Turner-Scott, Hettie 8R
- Turner-Scott, Rosa 10G
- Underhill, Marshall 11G
- Underhill, Skye 8R
- Uphill, Aedan 7G
- Van Kesteren, Michael 7Y
- Villanueva, Frank 8Y
- Villanueva, George 7Y
- Vincent, John 11G
- Vincent, Kayleigh 11R
- Vincent, Kerensa 7Y
- Vincent, Toria 8R
- Volaisaya, Jacob 8B
- Wallace, Molly 11B
- Wallace, Olivia 11Y
- Waring, Evie 7R
- Warren, Alfie 9B
- Warren, Connor 11R
- Williams, Cody 7G
- Williams, Jessica 7B
- Williams, Liam 8G
- Wills, Savannah 11Y
- Wilson, Sarah 8G
- Wilson, Tom 11G
- Woodhouse, Ella 9B
- Woodhouse, Nia 7B
DoDo gift wheels
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Insight Hours Noxus - Annisa Dayumi Draw
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