ellie's wheel
Wheel entries:
- what's your go-to comfort show and why?
- what's your comfort food when you're ill?
- if you could instantly be an expert at anything what would it be?
- what's the funniest way you got an injury?
- what's one item you always buy the branded version of?
- what was your first mobile phone?
- What's the most embarrassing thing you've accidentally text someone?
- what was your first concert?
- what's your funniest nickname and it's story?
- when did you last try something new?
- what's an item you lost that you still wish you could find?
- what's your go-to cinema food order?
- what's a moment you couldn't stop laughing in when you knew you shouldn't have been?
- what's a funny experience you've had while on holiday?
- What was your career journey prior to Amber?
Y4 Finer Diner
Year 6 Finer Diner 2.6