List of Guns
Wheel entries:
- G36K
- Sten
- Deagle
- Glock
- TEC-9
- Makarov
- Mac-10
- Bernettie
- Gewerh
- FN Model 1922
- MP40
- FP-45
- Skorpion
- Luger
- MP5
- M1911
- Smith & Wesson Model 10
- TOZ-34
- Springfield
- KS-23
- Nerf FlipFury
- AK-74
- G11
- Bronco 44.
- The Thompson
- Nerf Rival Roundhouse
- Mosconi 12G
- Nerf Maverick
- Nerf Jolt loaded with a 50 cal round
- P90
- M134 Minigun
- M134 Gatling Gun loaded with 7.62 he rounds
- Tarus Judge
- water gun
- Water gun filled with piss
- perfectly shaped twig that looks like a gun
- Airsoft Glock
- Airsoft M4A1
- M4A1
- Cat supressor having M4A1
- M16
- Nerf Fortnite Scar
- Nerf fortnite tactical shotgun
- Anti Material rifle
- E11 but starwars isnt real so its just a prop
- Tommy Gun
- Nerf Rampage
- Nerf Nitefinder but instead of shooting darts it shoots gernades.
- M32 Rotary gernade launcher
- zip 22
- Ak 50.
- Scar H
- M1 Grand
- Spas 12
- Colt Python
- IOF .32 Revolver
- BB. Ak 47
- Spear gun
- Mauser 67- Anti Aircraft Turrent.
Major Program Options
Rourou wheel
Laura Loessl
Carnival wheel